
Resultados de etiqueta lummic

Enjoy free and unlimited lummic app

UNLIMITED and FREE access to 100% of the Lummic APP

Download for FREE with UNLIMITED acces the official Lummic app on iOS or Android and perform fitness workouts, sports, games for kids and functional exercises.

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Ucam Murcia with Lummic

UCAM Murcia scores a triple with LUMMIC

UCAM Murcia basketball team has chosen LUMMIC to improve their training. The players have increased their speed, reaction capacity, neuromotor coordination and space distribution.

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Lummic, the perfect complement for your Fitness training

Lummic, las luces de reacción que te ayudarán a que tus entrenamientos sean más dinámicos y creativos. Diviértete solo o en grupo en tus entrenamientos fitness con Lummic.

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